Frustration 2

A live performance of Frustration for the INTM Fall Cabaret exhibition at OCADu. I performed Frustration for three hours as a Durational Performance.

The artistic process can result in one of two things: a desirable piece of art, or failure.
Both outcomes are real, although only one is typically shown in galleries. When an
attempt at creating art fails, the artist’s frustration is real, but usually remains invisible –
this work is an attempt to reveal that frustration.
An attempt at painting a fairy did not work out. Realising the opportunity to convey my
frustration, I painted over that painting creating the abstract one you can see. The lanes
of colour deliberately leave the confines of the canvas, and as this piece is about failure
the paint extends downward, comprising legs that are capable of supporting most, but
critically, not all of the physical weight of this piece. To properly mount this piece, the
artist must hold a thread attached to the top of the painting that supports the rest of the
weight, thus the failed painting literally imposes a weight on the artist.
Performance Sculpture
20 X 25 cm

Teacher's Pet Series – Part Two